Santa on Vacation
I felt like coloring today, and found the cutest digital image. I was looking for a "Santa on Vacation", and came across JansDigiStampShop, and came across a Santa sitting under a palm tree and sipping on a drink with an umbrella. What's even better is that this cute image is currently 50% off!
I thought this would be perfect for my friend who loves all things tropical. To start the coloring process, I usually add a body color to larger areas with pastel or water color paint, and then use pencils over. This saves a lot of time and also saves wearing down my beloved Prisma Colors!
I grabbed Stampin up Real red and a watercolor brush and lightly added base color to the hat and coat. Next, Delightful Daffodil ink was brushed in on the chair, and Certainly celery for the drink. The sky had a little pool party mixed in, but I wasn't crazy about the brush marks.
After the image dried. I went back over and added highlights and shadows to the picture. The brightest highlights I used a Sakura Jelly Roll pen in white and slightly smudged it with my finger. It gives a more painted appearance. Most of the attention is on the hat and coat to be the main focal point.
Ink: Stampin Up - (Real Red, Delightful Daffodil, Certainly Celery, and Pool Party)
Prisma Color Pencils, Sakura Jellyroll Pen (white)
Cardstock: Accent 120lb. Cardstock in white, Stampin Up - Very Vanilla (great for printing digi's!), and basic black
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